Tag Archives: FOMO

Who Says Who’s Cool, Anyhow?

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Sitting at dinner the other night with amazing friends and the conversation turned to FOMO . . . the dreaded fear of missing out. Those of us presently seated together unanimously agreed that none of us suffered from this affliction. Sure, there’d been a time or two where friends were doing something where we thought, “Now that would be a great experience!” What we quickly realized, and perhaps one of the many reasons we have become such quick and true friends, is because of our ability to live in the moment. To appreciate who we are with at the moment, where we are and what we are doing.

Too often, many of us can not truly keep ourselves in the moment. We see a social media post of friends doing something that looks so much greater than our current experience and we think, “Ugh, I should be with them.”

In the midst of this conversation this friend, who is one of the singly most amazing women I have ever met and can truly call “friend,” remarked that she was never one of the “cool kids” and she was A-ok with that status. It didn’t bother her when she was younger and it sure as hell didn’t affect her life now either. And I will tell you this, if you know her, you know she’s telling the truth!

Her remark has been nagging at me for a few days for so many reasons. First, I personally think she is “THE Coolest Kid” and quite frankly, I’m happy I don’t have to share her with others who aren’t sincere in calling her “friend.” This world is full of people who say one thing yet mean another. They say things like “I Love You” and “trust me!” But those words are simply empty words. They turn around at the very next opportunity and talk crap about others behind their backs. They stir up trouble and drama and create self-doubt in those who surround them. Well if that’s what defines “cool” then I am sure as hell relieved to not fit that classification.

Surround yourself with real people who care about you and not about what you can do for them or how being in your presence will make them look better. Genuine and real is far cooler than having a huge fan base. So by my definition, you are one of the “cool kids!”

Love you Barb!